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Your local United Way is building a stronger, more resilient community.

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Why It Matters

We know that change begins when we Live United, and that building a better tomorrow starts today.

Financial Stability and Housing Access

  • ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed)

    • 47% of households in TN cannot afford basic necessities, even with steady employment

    • Many households across the state may be employed and above the federal poverty line, but they are unable to afford basic necessities and get by.

    • By 2030, United Way is committing to get 75% or more of TN households above the ALICE poverty threshold. With your help, we can make this vision a reality.

  • With the current federal minimum wage, there is no state or county in which a full-time minimum wage worker can afford a two-bedroom apartment. National averages show it would take 4 full-time minimum wage workers to reasonably afford it.

  • Decreasing poverty through affordable housing has shown to increase a child’s future income by approximately 31%.


Mental Health and Substance Abuse

  • TN has the 3rd highest drug overdose mortality rate in the nation 

  • Almost 100,000 Tennesseans have a diagnosed mental condition and over 1,000 lives are lost to suicide each year in TN alone. Over 3.2 million Tennesseans live in a community that does not have enough mental health services or professionals.  A lack of social connection is as detrimental to a person’s health as 6 alcoholic beverages or 15 cigarettes a day.


Early Childhood Development

  • Early childhood education nurtures the social and developmental needs of children from birth to age five years old.

  • By 3rd grade, TN students are already significantly behind.

  • 90% of brain development occurs before a child enters kindergarten (by age 5)

  • With quality early childhood education, children are 25% more likely to graduate high school and 4 times more likely to complete a bachelor’s degree. As adults, they earn up to 25% more in wages.

  • Investing in early education yields a significantly higher return than later investments in education, with a return of $4-16 per dollar invested.