Everyone should have the opportunity to improve their economic status. We fight to give people the tools to better manage their money, get on solid financial ground, and find potential for advancement. Programs include the 2-1-1 Help Hotline and VITA Free Tax Prep. We also work with partner programs to help individuals increase their earning potential and foster long-term financial stability.
Thank you to Republic Bank for being a community partner in the Accessible Housing Bold Goals.
Internal Programs & Initiatives
211 is a free and confidential service that connects people to the local resources they need. 211 can be accessed by phone or computer. A toll-free call to 211 connects you to a community resource specialist in your area who can put you in touch with local organizations that provide critical services that can improve—and save—lives. Learn more.
Launch Point
Launch Point is a financial empowerment program that provides pathways for participants to increase savings, improve credit, purchase a home or car, pay off debt and increase earning potential. Launch Point offers individuals with trusted resources to help them gain greater control over their personal financial goals. Learn more.
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is a financial stability initiative of the United Way of South Central Tennessee. IRS-certified United Way volunteers provide free, basic income tax return preparation with electronic filing to qualified individuals each tax season. Learn more.
Benefit Kitchen
Every year, 103 million Americans leave $80 billion in public benefits unclaimed. United Way is committed to ensuring that struggling families in our state are aware of the benefits for which they qualify and know how to apply for them. In response, we are launching Tennessee Benefit Kitchen, a free screener that all Tennesseans can use to determine eligibility for several tax credits and many federal, state and local public benefits—and to access the application sites to apply for those for which they qualify.
Tennessee residents simply text “Benefits” to 211-211, and they receive a screener that takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete. Once completed, they immediately receive notice of tax credits and benefits for which they are eligible, along with the links to apply to each benefit. The tax credits and benefits covered in the screener currently include:
- Food Stamps (SNAP)
- Cash Assistance (TANF)
- Women Infants and Children (WIC)
- Head Start
- School Meals
- Child Care Assistance
- TennCare (Medicaid, for adults and children)
- ACA (Affordable Care Act for adults and children)
- CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program)
- County Medical Services
- Home Energy Assistance (HEAP)
- Lifeline
- Child Tax Credit
- Childcare Tax Credit
- Earned Income Tax Credit