Caboose Club

The Caboose Club is an extension of your local Imagination Library program. The Caboose Club is open to Imagination Library graduates that would like to share their love for reading with others.

What you may not know is that your local Imagination Library is funded by United Way in partnership with the Governor's Early Literacy Foundation. We raise the money to make this program possible for 17,000 children in Rutherford and Cannon Counties each month. Your $25 donation will support one child for one year with 12 books. Your support means more children across Rutherford and Cannon counties will receive new, high-quality, age-appropriate books. 

Thank you for supporting reading and learning in our community!

Access to free books doesn't have to end here. Get a free library card and enjoy an abundance of stories.

Rutherford County Library System

Cannon County Library System

LaVergne Public Library


Join the Caboose Club by making a donation to the local Imagination Library Books from Birth to continue the love for reading with others. 

Click here to donate or text ILCC to 41444.