Three Ways to File for FREE!
Households earning $80,000 or less in the previous year are eligible for the following FREE tax preparation services.
2. File with a virtual tax preparer
3. In-person appointments are now available. Choose a location below to schedule an appointment online or call 615-206-7560 (please expect up to a 7 day wait for a call back).
Shelbyville Bedford Senior Center
(Bedford County)
Open Feb. 26 through April 12
111 JG Helton Drive
Shelbyville, TN 37160
Tu, Th, and Sat 11 am to 2 pm
Click here to book a February appointment.
Click here to book a March/April appointment.
Patterson Park Community Center
(Rutherford County)
Open Jan. 31 through April 12
(Closed Feb. 17)
521 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Mon, Tue and Thu 1 pm to 6:30 pm,
Sat 9 am to 1:00 pm
West End Baptist Church of Fayetteville-Lincoln County
(Lincoln County)
Open Feb. 1 through April 15
200 Morgan Ave. N
Fayetteville, TN 37334
Tues, Thurs and Sat. 10 am to 1 pm
Walk-ins welcome.
Smyrna Town Annex
(Rutherford County)
Open Jan. 31 through April 12
400 Enon Springs Rd East
Smyrna, TN 37167
Wed, Fri and Sat 9 am to 1 pm
Pop-Up VITA Events in Rutherford, Bedford, and Cannon Counties
Motlow State Community College Pop-Up
February 12th and March 5th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m
Click here to make an appointment.
MTSU Jones College of Business Pop-Up
February 26th and March 26th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m
Click here to make an appointment.
Cannon County Senior Center
March 13th or March 20th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Call 615-563-5304 to schedule an appointment
2024 Stats
The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to households that earned $80,000 or less in the previous year. VITA is a financial stability initiative of the United Way.
During the 2024 tax season, we completed the following:
- 1634 returns efiled
- $1,752,200 in tax refunds
- $522,880 in saved tax prep fees
- 39 volunteers gave 2102 hours of their time
- Over the last six years, the United Way VITA program has served approximately 9,000 clients for nearly $11,000,000 in refunds to our community.
The Earned Income Tax Credit
IRS is warning taxpayers that Refunds may be smaller in 2025. Many of the tax benefits still exist, but under current tax law, they have reverted to their smaller, pre-pandemic levels.
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps working families in our community keep more of their hard-earned income and pay for things like childcare, groceries, and car repairs to get to work. Twenty percent of eligible families are leaving 20% of their tax refund on the table – money that can make a big difference in paying bills and putting food on the table. Households earning $80,000 or less can file their taxes for free at a VITA site during tax season or utilize MyFreeTaxes.com.
Online IRS Account
Here's why taxpayers should have an IRS online account.
An IRS online account is a safe and easy way for individual taxpayers to view specific details about their federal tax account. Here are some of the benefits and features of this online system.
Taxpayers can view:
- Their payoff amount is updated for the current day.
- The balance for each tax year for which they owe taxes.
- Their payment history.
- Key information from their most current tax return as originally filed.
- Payment plan details if they have one.
- Digital copies of select IRS notices.
- Economic Impact Payments if they received any.
- Their address on file.
After viewing their information, a taxpayer can:
- Select an electronic payment option.
- Set up an online payment agreement.
- Go directly to Get Transcript.
New authorization feature
The new “authorization” option in Online Accounts allows taxpayers to control who can represent them before the IRS or view their tax records. They can also approve and electronically sign Power of Attorney and Tax Information Authorization requests from their tax professional.
The taxpayer’s balance will update no more than once every 24 hours, usually overnight. Taxpayers should also allow 1 to 3 weeks for payments to appear in the payment history.
To access their information online, taxpayers must register through Secure Access. This is the agency’s two-factor authentication process that protects personal info. Taxpayers can review the Secure Access page process before starting registration.
Financial Education Resources
It's our mission to help everyone in our community thrive! In addition to providing free tax services through VITA, we want our neighbors to be educated and empowered when prepping for tax season. Check out the links below for some helpful resources.
Preparing for Tax Season: W-4 Withholding
Bring These Document to Your Appointment
Tax documents household income $80,000 or less
It is your responsibility to give us correct and complete information. Good documentation may increase your refund and help avoid trouble with the IRS.
Here is a list of documents to jog your memory that you may need to prepare your tax return:
Information about you and your family
- Required: A government-issued photo ID for you (and your spouse)
- Required: Social Security cards or ITIN documentation for each person on the tax return.
- Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) for each individual if set up with IRS; new number annually
- Checking or savings account/routing info for deposit of refund or debit of balance due
Any of the following, if they apply to you:
- W-2 for each employer.
- 1099-G form for unemployment compensation or state/local income tax refunds.
- SSA-1099 form showing the total Social Security benefits paid to you for the year – has a PINK ribbon color on top of the form
- 1099 forms (or other statements) reporting interest (1099-INT), dividends (1099-DIV), and/or proceeds from sales (1099-B), plus documentation showing the original purchase prices if you sold stocks or other assets. Sold stocks are part of the $70K income limit
- 1099-R forms if you received a pension, annuity, or IRA distribution.
- 1099-NEC, 1099-MISC, 1099-K, or other 1099 forms.
- Information about any other income of any form including cash.
- Healthcare – Forms 1095 A marketplace or 5498 SSA
- Educational expenses – Form 1098-T, student's detailed financial school account; other education expenses you paid not associated with school account ie Amazon, etc
- Dependent care (children, parents): provider information – name, address, telephone number and employer ID or Social Security number, and amount paid to provider.
- 1098-E form for student loan interest
- Any other recent IRS tax-related correspondence
- Records of federal income taxes you already paid for this tax year (estimated tax and carry-forward tax)
- Cash contributions to charities, even if you do not itemize.
- Copy of your previous year tax returns
Get Involved
Volunteers are needed; FREE Training - no experience required! Choose the day(s), hours, and location for the tax season team you'll be working with!
Donate four or 40 hours as a greeter/intake coordinator, tax preparer, translator, digital navigator, or office support! Volunteer roles are available from November 2024 - May 2025.
Other ways to be involved:
• Help recruit new volunteers to volunteer with YOU!
• Spread the word about VITA - VITA is a FREE service with IRS Certified volunteers - Word of mouth is the most trusted way for neighbors/friends/family.
• Donate to the VITA program to show your support!
Learn more about volunteering for VITA here. Fill out the Volunteer Interest Form or contact Debbie Curtis at debbie.curtis@yourlocaluw.org or 615-552-6845 ext 815 for more information.